Sunday, May 20, 2012

three company employees ' average pay increases instead of drop. In 2010 TERA CD-key three company

129809336155992500_1200In 2011, Core Pacific financial investigation report on the launch of pay equity for the first time and has aroused strong repercussions. 2012 pay equity annual report unveiled today. In the past year, our salaries in the change, prices are changing, the gap between man and man, reported figures in this group, but behind the changes, is our constant pursuit of efficiency and equity. As a socialRecognized a Golden Bowl and the welfare of Highland wow cd-key, pay particular attention from the people of the single listed company. This story through the compensation of financial reports at the same time, uncovering the mystery behind the single pay rise for everyone. -Highlights of >> energy oil one drop in the General staff salary reporter statistics "three barrels of oil", two coal, five power plants found that enterprise employees ' average salary of General Rose. ToPetrochemical industry as an example, staff cost of 41.5 billion last year, an increase of 7.9 billion, mainly used to increase the employee's income. However, CNOOC dispense employee remuneration. In this regard, CNOOC explained that the 2011 full labor cost per cent decline in per capita, mainly due to the company business development, an increase in the total number of employees of the company. In addition, the relatively low post increase in the number of employeesMore, also pulled down the average salary. At the same time, CNOOC executive pay is the sharp drop. In fact, the annual report showed oil, all voluntarily gave up their 2011 salaries of the Executive Director, allowances, benefits and performance bonus. Another three non-executive independent Director of Directors ' fees were also abandoned. >> Telecom posts large income gap between different pay, 145,300And 40,000, which are the three operators, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom employees ' average annual income, income on the huge gap between "post different pay" complained constantly. However, the most profitable of China Mobile, its staff efficiency is highest in the three operators. It is worth mentioning that in 2011, three company employees were paid the sameGrowth and company profits are related. Contrary to income changes with employees, executives of the three companies had moved a single increase of income. These changes will have a direct impact to the company's income of equity indices. China Unicom changes maximum, average pay its executives last year, falling equity index 5.73 per cent, to three minimum, whereas in 2010 amounted to 15.44. >> Aviation Enterprise net profit reduced staff salaries rose last year, Air China, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines net profit per cent drop, respectively, 38.75%, 12.58%, three company employees ' average pay increases instead of drop. In 2010 SWTOR Credits, three major airlines average pay for 171,000, and 181,000; and in 2011, the average salaryRise, the biggest increase for Air China SWTOR Power Leveling, employees are paid 21.23% per cent increase, followed by China Southern Airlines, China Eastern third. Interestingly, three major airlines Executive salary increase ranking of rankings and their staff are paid on the contrary. Staff increases the minimum salary of Eastern Airlines, executive pay increase 44.69% per cent; Air China executives an average pay increase16.85% per cent; southern executive pay has shrunk slightly, 4.44% per cent reduction. -Dialog · single pay "secret" single executive compensation is reasonable? According to how to "control" the single salary? Single pay how to balance efficiency and equity? Single pay reform in what direction? Beijing invited Chinese Enterprise Research Institute Chief of finance researchLi Jin and Zhang Chunxiao, a researcher at the national administration Academy and we are uncovering the mystery of the single salary. >> Pay structure of State-owned enterprises are not paid capital finance: past 2011, executives of listed companies pay what pattern? Single executive compensation levels? Li Jin: looking at the 2011 annual reports of listed companies, listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen and Hong Kong, ranks first in highTop ten enterprises of the basic salary for non-State owned high-tech classes, real estate and financial companies. Flush iFinD statistics show that in total 128 companies pay more than in the company of millions of dollars, 18 from securities, trust, insurance, real estate, 13 banks 11, did not see the State Council according to regulation of enterprises of the central figure.State-owned holding enterprises executive pay is not at the highest level in the country, and transnational corporations such as shell and Mobil gap even more. Zhang Chunxiao: level of executive pay in State-owned enterprises, enterprises or private enterprises should not simply with the West. Compensation of nature that the executives of State-owned enterprises "should not be too high, or too low". On the property right of State-owned enterprises in State-owned, growth in executive paySpeed should not exceed the speed of development of the national economy and enterprises performance increase at the same rate. Should not be too low because of State-owned enterprises are enterprises, particularly State-owned enterprises in competitive industries, more high salaries to attract talent. To the market-oriented development of core Pacific financial >> reform: in recent years, control distribution of single executive compensation, what solutions? Li Jin: the StatePromoting the first step of the reform is to establish a market-oriented regulatory mechanisms, improving wages regulation. The second step, is promoting the reform of employment and income distribution system of enterprise, adhere to the "two less than the" total wages growth lower than economic growth, the average wage of staff and workers of the growth in labour productivity growth principles. The third step is to guide enterprises to set up standardized remuneration system。 Incentive mechanism, the SASAC is: equity incentives as an opportunity to deepen the reform of State-owned enterprises, improving corporate governance, change management mechanism. Incentive compensation system is synchronized with the reform of State-owned enterprises, and companies pay to the direction of development of the market. Beijing finance: remuneration what is the direction of the reform of the single? Zhang Chunxiao: I think there are two major directions.First, single head salaries will gradually open. Single executive pay can be synchronized into the NPC's supervision of State-owned assets as a whole, when reporting an annual performance of State-owned assets management of the national people's Congress, pay should also be reported to one of the NPC performance under single management, investment planning, to consider the single distribution. Second, according to head of single indexSubdivision of development continue to trade. Personally, I think that, for control in a single enterprise (mainly relating to people's livelihood and national security), Executive compensation should take full account of development of the national economy, development of the national economy growth should pay to develop as an important reference, and competitive enterprises, the fierce competition in the business market, attractive incentive for its personnel should be allowed.Status quo pay linked to performance capital financial >> policy: in particular, the Commission is how to pay for single executives? Li Jin: most enterprise trial is now "ergonomic hook" method, that is enterprises ' wages and benefits as a percentage growth. But the single was not earned more executives pay more, main principle of variable pay is currently single Executive pricingIs the first contribution after cashing, personal income and the State-owned assets gains incentive compatible, complementary short-term income and long-term gains, and combining qualitative and quantitative examination results. Now, heads of single pay structure mainly composed of base salary, performance of yearly and long-term incentive earnings of three parts. Among them, base salary with the same single associated average wage of fully employed staff and workers, paid monthly; Annual salary based on annual performance assessment results determine the performance, after the first examination with its principles, according to the annual performance review by the company after a one-time extract, cashed in stages. On the issue, according to the annual payment of performance-related pay of diyajin by 60%,40% as risk management of State-owned assets supervision, term of Office after the audit issue. Text/reporter Liao Feng Zhang Yan Gu Xiaoyu (responsibilityEdit: Zhang yaoxue) Others:

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