Saturday, June 2, 2012

and Miss State Rift CD-key and Miss State - FURM

129829462660817500_128Mo Yanlin new dish of the I can't cry: tough talented woman's emotional burst out Mo Yanlin. (Text/blue butterfly) from the stubborn celibacy, and to the House of love songs, Mo Yanlin in these years through their music, expressing a very modern sense of female characteristics of separate independent temperament, nor to sing is one of many girls, is a clear-cut one. Among them, she has appeared as female singer Li Yuchun and Zhou Xun, well-known author of the seaAnd the rain, and the crying and the prevalence of such high quality work, you can see she is a female singer who sang for good. Returning to a four-year, Mo Yanlin today finally introduced their new EP of the I cannot cry, music fans to wait until she has long been sent four new creations of their own. The away, and have heard her, the stubborn celibacy, and the love, And compared to the 72-day moving on, is derived from this EP, she breaks out through the music of the bigotry and remained obstinate, is also on the Tolo Harbour in the personality of the different perception and delicate emotions in a different version of the. This may be associated with growth, after all, always some feeling in life, may experience increased and increased, andOr changed due to experience it to its original shape. This is the price of growing up, unable to escape, it is difficult to throw away, there will always be some people change, or put down some of the original attitude. Mo Yanlin work I cannot cry Rift CD-key, while still some stubborn temperament can recognize her, but also because of the concentration of light blue, and is heardWant to hide in the faint smell of woman. I cannot cry, it is Mo Yanlin five years ago in a field after the singing of the away, tears to shed the scene together with the audience, write back to the background music. But, now Mo Yanlin found in the interpretation of, which came with this 07 write song should be in the making for a long time for a long time, she manifested through soundEmotions, intonation Diablo 3 power leveling, and the sentimental, believe in these five years of experience to give to her, so it sounds slightly wound that breaks out in the song emotional pictures are showing extremely sincere and calm down. Mo Yanlin sings, "I just cannot cry tears and it will be eyes will not have seen so clearly sth", can be found toIn addition to is a strong shanghuai, more of a year of celibacy in the taken away, and the stubborn found, characteristic of the works belonging to the Mo Yanlin tough and cool features. Works compared to the EP of the same name, Mo Yanlin performance is more delicate and emotional interpretation of the dear, do you think? , Like a more intense blue isEar findings. Because TERA Gold, sing in the song says, can't hide love for old strong mind, and Miss State, painted, has expressed a very detailed report on "Dan Si" action. Believe that many people have been in love, is found in the works of this time their own experiences of some fragments, lonely, yearning, and summer, sleepless night, rain, sthMo Yanlin song, hard to record a lot of similar segments, believe this is her return to Chinese music hot again, because of the fragmented and emotional mood. And referred to above on the two emotions, or feelings of a work than EP featuring two works of the insomnia and the Ta, butRelatively much more peaceful and calm. As man of the year, with an album of the refractory Mo Yanlin celibacy and fans meet. Especially the insomnia, the simple folk color made her slightly husky singing more affinity, a sleepless woman drink a little wine in the early hours, the Dim yellow light, holding a guitar play singing one's own insomnia���� By piano gently played ring of Ta under, inside is Mo Yanlin several loving to singing of, is on some emotional of summary and lament, on as she by sing "let I into a ray Sha into this beautiful of painting any time flies withered I also forever live in this painting sth sth" everyone are imitation like will has times unforgettable of emotional experience, on "forget" may will is a needs is largeAct of courage, are unable to grasp the past, keep in mind some memories, should also be a good thing. And Mo Yanlin compared to four years ago, in this new EP of the I cannot cry, she has a lot of changes, either interpretation, the mood was also part of, is also on the composition of the work. I cannot believe many will be the cry, The tough and turbulent hurt emotions struck, also because the insomnia sketched out by the quiet and lonely picture resonates, and of course in the Ta and the dear, do you think? , That recalled the work of old feelings would allow many people to find their own stories. It can be said that the Mo Yanlin's return and theEP appears, indeed for many, many walk in feeling lonely on the road brings an extremely shocking and resonance of the soul, on condition, on the lonely and memories, that there was a Ta, Mo Yanlin moving from singing to people who want to say but cannot tell of export of emotion to sing out one by one. Others:

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