Friday, June 29, 2012

reference 3 only bile. Morphological analysis

129838042635937500_269[The Flying Fox] arrange three 12,155th check: form even-even and odd Bile analysis: this round of hot code 39, from the analysis of recent trends, hot code the possibility of continued hot, 3rd out of the group after three, very significant possibility of late. Missed the 9th interval analysis, there appeared a chance. Take into account number in the near future with an emphasis on heat, 39; 8th, temperature, missed out after two periods, Atsuyoshi heat more likely in the near future, promising depart in this round. This roundRecommended bile code 398, reference 3 only bile. Morphological analysis: Group of 383, after the, form a single double single depart as scheduled; two single forms and single out more frequently in the near future, promising in this area focus on, double and two-wheel will depart two pairs in the form of both single, out of the probable maximum, focus group, considering the morphology. This recommended shape: both single。 Span point analysis: from the span of trend analysis, long-span 5 counteroffensive, to span more likely in the near future, prefer large-span to focus across 872 will have the opportunity in this round of fall; across 4 bulls show; this recommended span 784, recommended only 4. And value point analysis: and value Central after the 14 points, points will appear around,Sites with an emphasis on community, road between 11 points to 18 points; 13 points from trend analysis read more, chances appear biased; reference point 13 points, 15 points, 11 points, 18 points, 16 points official site, only recommended and 13 points.

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