Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold I would like to know what people around me people have in the micro-blogging - SOY

129756341079687500_34SINA open Salon under the platform line held March 07 source: eNet Silicon Valley power "article summary" on March 3, SINA online Salon launched open platforms at Microsoft building diablo 3 gold, invites the Dolphin browser, scarfRing, Beijing Borg limited power by information technology development team, and Frost Sullivan China President Wang Yuquan, Senior Internet operators to discuss social development opportunities facing mobile APP, developers face a number of problems and puzzles to provide an effective solution. On March 3, SINA open platforms at MicrosoftBuilding offline Sharon, invited the Dolphin browser, scarf ring, Beijing Borg limited power by information technology development team, and Frost Sullivan China President Wang Yuquan, Senior Internet operators to discuss social development opportunities facing mobile APP, developers face a number of problems and puzzles to provide effective solutions。 Social media solution developer entrepreneurship challenge there is evidence, based on the people and social networks are stronger mechanisms to machine-assembling networks of interaction. Mobile phones as the real world's most popular social networking tools, naturally occurring chain was part of the social relations, more realistic compared to the Internet. Rise of the 3G network, you had redefine mobile Internet communications, when networkNetwork speed is no longer to be a bottleneck, iPhone, Android and other smart phone system for the development of the new generation mobile APP much easier. Broad prospects for development, more and more developers begin to pay attention to design and development of mobile products. According to market research firm iResearch data, 2011 global Android Developer number up to 100.10,000. With the expansion and popularity of Android mobile terminal of the Android camp, expected number of developers will surge to 2.208 million this year.  At the same time, global iPhone APP developers to reach $ 847,000, iPad APP developers up to 109,000. Beijing Borg to create information technology coSecretary CEO Li Jing refers to a set of data shows that in 2010 and 2011, global Smartphone in over 80 million at the same time, 2010 mobile app downloads reached 863 million, in 2011, an increase of up to 298%, so very broad mobile Internet market. Despite this, many mobile developers are facingShort of funds, creative identical problems. In this regard, experts suggested that application developers can try microblogging channel, a social marketing approach to solving this problem. In his view, social open platform is a mobile APP the best boosters, through docking with the micro-blogging, content transmitted through microblogging APP itself, when the information is posted on APP's unique tagInformation dissemination process becomes the marketing of the APP itself, at the same time social network relationship in the open platform chain is word of mouth marketing the best channels. "Twitter is changing the structure of social networks in China, core of human nature is social networking. "FrostSullivan China President Wang Yuquan, said the design of social applications include the analysis andAt two levels, first of all, developers must make use of social network analysis in mass society of Denver Nuggets, from the operational level, the reality of social mechanisms need to be transferred to the formation continued interaction between users on the network. Microblogging mobile platform dominance access according to the most recent results, SINA registered users has exceeded 300 million users daily, Bo SuperOver 100 million, daily active users is 9%. Quickly grew into the most powerful social networking platform at the same time, SINA has been strongly supporting the development of third-party developers. At present, the Sina microblogging platform applications on more than 200,000, including about 20,000 active application. In addition, SINA has just completed 4 platform upgrade, can face a third-partyOpen API for developers to provide a better connection.  On this basis, application on SINA microblogging platform is still growing significantly. At the level of mobile Internet, SINA also showed significant growth potential. SINA's CEO and President, Chao at last week's analysis of the results of the meeting stressed that the fourth quarter of last year, by moving the product number of nuanced Exposition has been surpassed by pC-side access.  Chao is expected, by the end of this year, through mobile platforms, then number of nuanced exposition will be two-thirds per cent of total access to micro-Bo, future mobile platforms in terms of users and access Twitter will dominate. According to Sina open platform interfaces described Wang Minggong, head of product, a successful application of the socialization of both products, at the same time to focus onFang Weibo's operations.  Developers are very concerned about profitability, SINA will continue to provide SAE, micro-currency payment and microblogging, and other aspects of the Fund's support. As early as July 28, 2010, SINA open platform formally opened, the current mobile APP more than 2000. On this platform was born a number of success stories, IWeico Phone client, for example, launched just 3 days, Apple APP Store downloads took its first location. SINA microblog senior Fund Manager Zhao Yan introduces micro-Bo Fund over the past year. As the first specifically designed for micro-blogging application development fund, China microblogging developer Innovation Fund has invested a dozenA project, covering gaming, e-commerce, data analysis and other directions.  It is reported that the funds together by SINA innovation workshop, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Sequoia Capital, IDG, Yunfeng Fund, five investment agency, a scale of 200 million Yuan. Zhao Yan, in the field of mobile Internet, microblogging comparative look at the direction of the Fund, Foundation, innovation and execution. First of all, openTo take full advantage of mobile device characteristics, and explore the potential of social networking platforms and, secondly, developers in a vertical depth of field to a unique reflection on; the most important is, the app needs to have a team into practice and persistence. Microblogging platform into a startup key options Sina weibo full liberalization policy, has already attracted more than 250,000 people developmentMining around the platform opportunities, cooperation in the list there are new manufacturers such as Dolphin browser, scarf ring. "Sina users mainly between 18-35 years of age distribution, user 63% has a Bachelor, and Dolphin browser basically the same user base, so we chose to promote the joint weibo. "Dolphin browser Creative Manager ZhangGel, Dolphin browser account system has integrated Sina weibo account, also launched a key Twitter sharing feature; also, on the basis of cooperation, Dolphin browser also makes the first dolphin social browser Twitter wall, to provide users with a more personalized service. Through social marketing, Dolphin browser popularity has been further improved. According to Zhang Yong introduction, Dolphin now browseRanked second in the Android market, Apple APP Store in the free list, the Dolphin browser browser ranked first in 36 countries and regions.  He said, no money diablo 3 gold, no resources for startups, SINA microblogging platform to social marketing is an important choice. Scarf rings CEO Wang Tao was by SINA microblogging platform for entrepreneurshipA model. "Micro-blogging in July last year, is already very popular at the time, I would like to know what people around me people have in the micro-blogging," Wang Tao said that is why he start scarf ring in the first place. Subsequently, he describes how scarf rings discovery, expanding the microblogging social network experience.  Micro-blogging platform has become the startup key option. "There is about 2.3 million domestic sites and 80 pages are produced every day, more than 800 billion. "Beijing Borg power by information technology company CEO Ms Ulrich said a domestic Internet users behavior is changed, the user time becomes more valuable diablo 3 gold, so the future of application development and content will be more inclined to personalization and socialization. Others:

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