Sunday, March 25, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling down 50 Yuan/ton - WFB

129764786873593750_246"Market analysis" fats slowing performance today to rally, despite the overnight rise boosted outside advance, but technical indicators overbought repair more profits in the early pressure and pressure release cause prices to move in the afternoon led by oil of other goods fell back to advance on gains, closed at line closed for a third day near the upward pressure. As of closing diablo 3 gold,1209 of soybean oil fell 0.08% or 8 per cent to 9,642, 1209 up 0.05%, or 4 per cent to 8,624 palm oil, vegetable oil rose 1209 or 4 points closing at 10,110. Slight contraction in the overall volume of oil today, capital tended to be cautious over the weekend. "Major spot quote" grade soybean oil price rises:9,650 Yuan/ton of Harbin, Dalian 9,450 Yuan/ton, up 50 Yuan/ton, 9,300 dollars/ton of Qingdao, Lianyungang 9,400 Yuan/ton, up $ 100/ton, 9,500, RMB/ton, up 50 Yuan/ton, the Fuzhou 9,350 dollars/ton, down 50 Yuan/ton, Huangpu 9,400 Yuan/ton, up 50 Yuan/ton. Grade of vegetable oil prices remain stable: four10,600 Yuan/ton, 10,700 dollars/ton in Guizhou, Hubei 10,350 Yuan/ton, 10,350 dollars/ton in Anhui, Jiangsu 10,350 Yuan/ton, up 50 Yuan/ton. 24 palm oil prices rallied: Fujian 8,200 Yuan/ton, up $ 100/ton, Guangdong 8,250 dollars/ton, up 150 Yuan/ton, Ningbo 8,500 Yuan/ton,Up 100 Yuan/ton, Zhangjiagang 8,300 dollars/ton, up $ 100/ton, Tianjin 8,350 dollars/ton, up 150 Yuan/ton, Sunshine 8,300 dollars/ton, up 150 Yuan/ton. Spot the actual transaction prices of oils and fats bargain goods. "The fundamentals" CBOT soybean oil markets rose on Thursday, mainly due to the adjacent pool in soybean and soybean meal market rose, South AmericaBean production. But international oil futures weakened, poor export sales performance data, restricting the rise in market space. As of closing May contract rose 0.68 cents per cent 55.48 cents/pound. According to United States Department of Agriculture published the latest weekly export sales figures, as of the week of March 8, United States export volume of 5,100 tons of soybean oil. This yearRemaining time in the average number of weekly export sales need 8,000 tons, can realize the United States Department of agriculture forecast. United States crude oil on the New York Futures Exchange closed down, because there are reports that United States had reached an agreement, and release oil from the emergency reserve stocks. Close, light crude contract for April delivery fell 32 cents per cent 105.11 beautyYuan/barrels. Overnight Malaysia BMD palm oil futures closing market continued to rise, the third trading day in a row hit a nine-month high, because the surge in exports of palm oil, other strength in the commodities market. Benchmark May contract up palm oil 0.5% per cent to 3,403 RM/t. Benchmark contracts rose 0.9%, its highest since June 6Horizontal 3,415 RM. Palm oil prices rose nearly 6% so far this year, in part because Malaysia March 15 days before the export of palm oil increased. Shipping agency said ITS morning, Malaysia in March 15 days before the export of 697,804 tons of palm oil, over the same period last month grew by 37%, another body SGS expects exports701,536 t, rose 42% than last month. End of February Malaysia palm oil stocks at 2.06 million tonnes, which disappointed the market, because the market had expected inventories to 1.95 million tons. Fears that this year's United States maize sown area would be substantially improved, thereby restricting soybean sown areas of scale, this can lead to tight supply of vegetable oil, also supported the price of palm oil�� Private analyst Informa economics expects the sown area for 95.5 million acres of corn this year, up from 91.9 million acres. Soybean sown area of 75.1 million acres in 2012, up from only 75 million acres. "Future prospects" for now, rising us beans have accumulated a great deal of hype liters of water, from the k lineIndicators overbought repair needs, on the other hand the current market message relative vacuum, the early South American weather hype hype as well as Chinese demand is already drawing to a close, will transition to the future of the market on soybean planting area of focus for the new quarter, dollar index medium-term up trend has not changed, so us beans rise is expected to slow. Domestic point of view, over the spot priceRose price provides a good, however bean willingness to purchase reduced price also makes oil factory, market trading activity is not high, soybean port inventory digested slowly continued at a high level, this will discourage domestic soybean imports in the future, thereby affecting the side effect. Short term market cautious line location will continue to consolidate, operationally suitable for short-band exercisesThe primary. (Zhang Chao of zhongcai futures) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content diablo 3 gold, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly diablo 3 power leveling, at your own risk. Others:

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