Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera power leveling more environmentally friendly. Four - JFP

129765277407031250_8Implementation of advanced management mode of Guangdong fucai sold guns for posts (photo) Yangcheng evening news reporter Zhong Zheping: mining and mining safety "gun", standard "gun" unified "gun" diablo 3 power leveling, will become the basic requirements of welfare Lottery sales in the future. The last few days, Guangzhou Municipal welfare Lottery issuing Center is redoubling its efforts to train salespeople use Lottery Ltd diablo 3 gold, comprehensively promote the lottery stand "one shot stop" a new sales model. Guangdong fucai PuAnd betting station management of high-tech ticket system, making "safe operation, scientific management" level of a higher level. Fashion new tools action credit card machine? Gaming machine? Laser guns? Is the satellite phone? Come to Guangzhou for training welfare Lottery sales received "guns" post, this stylish high-tech tools in the hands of curiosity. They will focus on cultureTraining, learning how to use wireless scanning guns of this lottery, this is to scratch their lottery ticket sales and ticket-basic tools. From now on, they carry "gun" for posts. What this funky new stuff in? Role: starting "one shot stop" mode, scratch awarding must verify through a scanner, real fake tickets, "di" will knowRoad. Scanning guns to avoid a vote against awarding high or low "trick" event. Second: "one shot stop" making Lottery managers to more accurate network inventory and sales. Three: "one shot stop" mode enables truly paperless operation, saving operating funds tera power leveling, more environmentally friendly. Four: Lottery sales more flexible, you canAccording to the needs of the buyer knows, real time order the buyer knows like the lottery. To further ensure the "scratch" sales safe, efficient, fucai promotional color station in Guangdong Province, "one shot stop" sales model. For each gun sales outlets equipped with scanning, real-time votes and awarding work over the wireless network, increasing "security operation, scientific management" level. Recently, Guangzhou CityWelfare Lottery issuing Center two back-to-back "scratch" invoicing "one shot stop" sales training. City training was attended by nearly 200 heads of lottery betting. "Scratch" the logistics company and fucai Center staff to introduce the "one shot stop" main functions of management, business process, and teach them how to use the scanner in the site informationInquiry system to take full advantage of "one shot stop" sales advantage, improve operational efficiency and safety of lottery sales. Station owners are carefully listened to the professional explanation, recurrent hands-on, strive to master scan guns using skills. After the training, station owners are excited to line up to get back to their site scanning guns. Zhaoqing pilot results as early as last January, andFucai Center in Eastern Province in Zhaoqing, the "one shot stop" experimental work. Zhaoqing the first 140 scanner equipment at the beginning to some Lottery betting. The so-called "one-stop", is that lottery, "one shot" is equivalent to a single terminal scanning gun sales management. Scanning guns with electronic banking settlement capabilities and site contributions ticket inventory management features and live to winAwarding confirmation function. Have a fantastic scanner, electronic banking clearing, site payment ticket, prize awarding, the high scientific and technological content of lottery related operations, in support of the technical equipment and a new sales model, by the Center down to the lottery Lottery management station. "One shot stop" mode can greatly improve the efficiency of issuing and management, security of payment clearing,Selling links easy and the interests of the buyer knows, healthy development of implementation specification for operation of the lottery market. In fact, many betting stations throughout the country, to protect the interests of site, has already installed the lottery scans on a voluntary basis. After insert in case anybody holding a lottery for awarding, the betting losses. Over time, some Lottery station not equipped with scanning gun, frequently becoming illegalTarget of target molecules. Zhejiang lately there have been many similar cases, case time is often purchased color number more this evening, criminals came to color, normal buy some scratch to obtain sales trust, study about color by the way station is equipped with a scanner. If you are sure there is no scanner, criminals will leave a will, elect a purchased peak of color into the color stops,After insert "high like winning the Lottery" for awarding. Once a betting fraud, a district will have similar cases occur in a short time. Small Lottery station owners to these crooks abhor, is often impossible. Only the full implementation of the "one shot stop" can play a fundamental guarantee. Standardized and refined pioneered "stationA gun "scientific management mode, another representative is the innovation and development of Guangdong fucai. In recent years, the province's welfare Lottery fucai innovation and development as an important concept. Play through innovation, with Guangdong development characteristics, adapt to market of Guangdong new game through technical innovation, the ticket sales system more convenient to use, data transfers become faster, stronger risk-resistant ability;Through the sale of innovation, the full implementation of the awarding, settlement is simple, it is safe and reliable, "scratch" one shot stop new sales management model. Financial management through innovation, achievement of Lottery funding the collection of timely security, achieve zero accidents. Under the protection of technical innovations, lottery management to fine advance step by step. Betting the franchise have been consolidated, the province's welfare Lottery franchiseRate of 90% of; manage the constant norms of the market, timely processing of complaints about betting, development and pilot implementation of the betting business management system, progressive betting station management of electronic information. Fucai Center, implementation of the accountability system for the security commitments, Lottery sales advances measures had been fully implemented. Completed nearly betting machine upgrading work, secure authentication, data encryption, Anti-counterfeiting technologies such as security, can greatly increase, realization of anti-cloning feature of betting and lottery. Others:

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