Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold 13th floor - ZNT

129770919605937500_64Lilac Park Sina Locke (Edit Wang Yuan), lilac (forum for details) update: lilac Garden now sell 3, 5 tera gold, 12, 13th floor, 58-77 square meters of 13th to push, push the landlord, 3, 67-81 square meters apartment, 12th floor, 67-81 square meters apartment, price $ 4,900/square meter, as long as all apartmentsDiscount. Rendering project: lilac Park is the first large small apartment community in Taiyuan. Project is located in Xiaodian District of Taiyuan Wucheng road, adjacent to evergrande oasis from longcheng Avenue only 2000 meters, is a direct benefit of Taiyuan City South, geographical position is very superior. Total project covers an area of 70 acres, total construction area of 230,000 square meters, the greening rate of about 35%, Made up of 13 tall small tall building, whole apartment well-designed, high utilization rate. Project surrounding supporting complete, convenient, and there is exclusive community bus, you can meet the different needs of the owners. Sales address: treatment road, Taiyuan House diagonally opposite the project location: shop docking Fuji Kang, South Park diagonally opposite to the North of the city at 200 metresOut: the above information is for reference only, and eventually released to developers. This manuscript for SINA Locke exclusive original manuscripts tera gold, all rights reserved, referenced or reproduced, please indicate the source. Browse page browse the latest picture of lilac Park lilac lilac garden complex Park, a total of 6 comments click here to read more reviews more reviews more reviewsMore �� lilac Park popular complex housing sent �� lilac garden is average price of $ 4,900 per square staging and support mortgage �� lilac garden baby project to project price is $ 4,700 per square �� lilac Garden News News new year special six-Ho ceremony �� lilac Garden in December to buy special baby activities �� lilac Park "babies benefit from association with somebody or something �C buy an ex-gratia �� baby gauges"�� Baby benefit from association with somebody or something with lilac Garden House offers. baby plan �� lilac garden price 4 tera power leveling,800 per support mortgage �� lilac Park now per flat all apartments have a discount price $ 4,900 �� all-round European high-Rhine Manor Lake County average of $ 6,000 per �� Xifeng Court is launching more than more than 10 sets of existing home sales price $ 3,200 �� transmitted Shanmei CountyA project covers the period to 15 storey block �� Fu Liyun-dwelling type Valley 80-300 flat average selling items $ 7,300 �� Tsui around 3,000 crossing build green ecological community �� Star River multi-family for sale item price $ 27,000 per ping��Jin look forward to tasting domain access to the new exhibition centre [Shenzhen real estate] side of Ting Lan, Angelica [Dalian real estate] Beijing Park[Property of Sichuan] Ivy [Beijing House] peacocks in chaobai River City [Shenyang real estate], Copenhagen [Xian real estate] very beautiful [Tianjin real estate] peace time [Dalian real estate] Hawthorn xinjing Bao Wyatt color [Chongqing real estate] Shui mu Nian hua [Xian real estate] Swan Lake [Sichuan real estate] sound village [Shanghai real estate] rural scenery[Xian real estate] light of million hope [Sichuan real estate] my University [Sichuan real estate] Indus [Nanjing real estate] Xi [240 owners forum type posts] [Figure 8] [virtual map 0] price: $ 4,900 loan calculator phone: 7989666,7989222And SINA music for more favorable location: shop docking Fuji Kang, South Park 200 metres opposite to North Developer: Xu ran real estate development company, Shanxi PK lilac Garden, longhua horizon PK lilac Park City Showcase green lilac Park PK PK lilac Garden, Long Yuan fourth century Homestead lilac Park PK PK lilac Garden, Long Yuan fourth Antai PK garden lilac garden starBend lilac Park PK PK, but lilac Park Crescent International lilac Park PK PK lilac Garden, Long Yuan fourth Riverside PK lilac Garden, 27 associates so gardeners fragrant Park PK PK lilac Park Hualong Watson Court Hou Chun Shing Building effect picture location 2011 �� lilac garden afforestation rate is 36%, I think it is also good MACny �� some said dFragrant Park of House cover was too slow, I also think is music home users �� I playing heard has lilac Park can installments, and is more has great small �� lilac Park heard can with Provident Fund, but to wanted to sales department application does not difference money. 1 �� lilac Park seems is to married of people live of music home users �� lilac Park until huadu thanks has this non-bin Laden �� lilac Park of House mark did? Lonely singing �� lilacGarden wooden card Olivier Kapo also peas �� don't be naive, bad prices next year is long, falling love clouds �� national collapse in housing prices in a year or so (reprint) one-eyed-Feng �� unscrupulous economic development!------real estate GDP!!!!!!! Check out was also robbed the House? Love to find a site specially take the warm home pricesActivist profile �� About Leju �� advertisement �� partner �� contact us �� map �� jobs �� register �� products �� site lawyers answer �� feedback CopyrightCorporation, All Rights Reserved Locke purchased real estate, home products, customer service, product advisory service, technical support, customer service hotline: 400-606-cent real estate navigation: [129 cities] joined the recruitment Others:

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