Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling expansion is for cooperation between their customers and brokers ' main mode -

129784668291928750_576Commission-driven brokerage branch into private equity Recently tera power leveling, some brokers private customer focus aimed at the Sun, in addition to help private equity release products, look for the customer, but also in terms of studies strongly support. Industry insiders said, as private equity services is emerging as the broker an important scope of work, and the driving force behind the increased Commission and other income. Persons in the securities business Department of the company post a financial Forum in the near futureSaid, at present they are developing a business – private equity products for the Sun to set up financing, leverage ratio of 1 2, private capital one-third, sunshine, brokerage sales by customer financing contribution two-thirds, financing interest rate of 8% per cent of the funding, which is equivalent to help Sun private offering a structured product, private authorized, if the present level, while on their ownTrader confidence, private equity can immediately be "financing" stocks. In fact, early occasion of the continuous rise in the market, many brokers have sought cooperation with sunny private. Private persons, a well-known Sun said, because of their good performance, many brokers told him that he can help release product, also offers customers. Private brokerage has been seen as the Sun also provide effectiveAccount for private equity trust platform of cooperation contact situations. Research report is an important content of securities and private equity cooperation, a securities company in Beijing to set up a dedicated team providing services to private equity, provides primary research reports. In fact, cooperation with brokers is becoming a trend for Sun private equity release products. A head of private equity funds in Shenzhen, In addition to outside the Bank tera power leveling, expansion is for cooperation between their customers and brokers ' main mode, because the customers of brokerage and private properties are more consistent, tend to higher risk and bank customer preference is relatively low. There is also a private, market level lower, this time set up a comparative advantage, so he is thinking about cooperation and securities firms. Brokers actively with the privateRaise cooperation power from Commission income. A broker said, providing services to the private equity fund, only need to set up a team of seven or eight people, but earn a considerable income every year. First of all, private equity must release product brokerage, there is a certain amount of transactions, many private equity operations frequently, which commissions a lot and, secondly, brokerage salesShare subscription costs of fund raising in the private equity, private equity will also scale to broker sales incentive. Brokerages can participate in the performance of private equity products, once the markets go, this income is a lot. Moreover, in addition to issuing private equity structured products, providing product channel and some smaller brokers out of "bait" for Sun private out of trust tera gold,Issue collection financial planning. Others:

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