Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold cleaner than Pak changed his usual gentle image - NTL

129773939495000000_7Justin than primary source: Phoenix entertainment King of pop music in Europe and the most popular small Justin ・ Bibb in early March, just spent their 18 birthday, after a "Rite", the Canada "small is too" is a step toward "mature men" line change. Local time yesterday morning, Justin ・ Bibb has released their latest single the man friendFriends tera gold, this song was Justin ・ Bibb at period of the first, is the key to his youth Idol on the road to transition. Bibb in the songs show mature voice in the fans eyes. The boyfriend lyrics at first was a short rap rap: "if I was your boyfriend, I will never let you go so easily, I will take you to a lot of you have never been toPlace. "After, Bibb emotional singing:" I can do a gentleman, do anything for you. "Mature voice and in the new single" real man "-Declaration song revealed he longed to escape from the original" little boy "image, he admits in an interview:" I was growing day by day mature, my music style is needed as I grew up and changeI want to try some new stuff. Luckily, I have a very talented group of partners, we are working together on the music, more new tricks.  "Justin ・ Bibb also disclosed that at the time of recording the first new single, he imagined that he was someone's boyfriend, put yourself in thinking about what can be done for each other. Furthermore, in order to break through images, Justin ・ BibbJapan took a group photo with the name of the pain of growing up, dare to try new styles. This set of photos show full of emotion, cleaner than Pak changed his usual gentle image tera power leveling, bruised the tough modeling debut, interpretation of a brave "fighters" tera power leveling, and rivals life-and, the Visual is very shocking, Bo's eyes is different in the past. But as the photo very violent scene,Cause a lot of criticisms. Although and 19 years old United States singer sailinna ・ Gomez dating more than a year, Justin ・ Bibb said also don't tend to involve in their work. A few days ago, when sailinna shot in the beach of the spring break students, dressed in light green bikini and hot Super shorts on the beach on "crazy" party, the sexy model candid and by local mediaMake a fuss, in response, expressed much dissatisfaction Bibb: "and sailinna my feelings very well, to hide our relationship. But what do we do now matters will be reported out, it is not respecting the human behavior is not healthy. "0 Chen mingming (it was Sammi) Others:

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