Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold the lawyer said - MCN

129774149440468750_28Apple's current CEO Cook's former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has never been an official visit to China.   In June last year, Cook had to COO visited China in the capacity of, and is expected to visit about Chang Xiaobing tera power leveling, Chairman Wang Jianzhou, Chairman of China Mobile and China Unicom. Report from (reporter Lin Qiling) while in the mainland market, iPad trademark dispute has not yet ended, Apple isSpeed up the steps into China. Two weeks after Apple released new version of the iPad in the United States, the new iPad version WiFi through our 3C certification, which means that the new version of the iPad the licensed importers ' entry into China has been put on the agenda.   Proview lawyer said yesterday, will stop its sales on the Mainland. Fastest in April in China on March 8, the Apple in the United States released a new iPad. 316th, the first batch of new iPad goes on sale in 10 countries, Hong Kong, China is also first in the list. On March 25, media 3C product certification of China website, Apple's new iPad version WiFi has by 3C of China compulsory certification, certificate number 2.,012,010,902,532 tera gold,65E,+15, model A1416. Reporters foundThe issue dated March 22, 2012 tera power leveling, valid until March 22, 2017. New version of the iPad is currently 3 models, the certification is A1416, for the WiFi version of the product, do not need to obtain network access license. Due to the national 4G network is not yet perfect, so 4G new iPad Edition domestic market for unknown bandsParagraph. 3C is short for China compulsory product certification, 19 132 products listed are required before certification.   Industry speculation that new iPad in April this year the fastest land market in mainland China. In this regard, Shenzhen Proview, the lawyer said yesterday, "If Apple's new iPad sold in mainland China, Proview will take all legitimate measures,Stop its sales. "Apple markets in China are people yesterday not to respond to this. Apple responsible for industry and commerce in iPad trademark dispute with China, the lawyer said, "this comment does not for the time being. "Not clear customs on February 29, Proview and Apple's iPad trademark dispute in Guangdong Province High Court of the second instance court, now the second trial resultsHas not yet been sentenced.   Shenzhen Proview repeatedly thrown Apple "settled" the olive branch, but Apple is not accepted, saying "Apple is according to legal procedures to (resolve the matter)". Since China is the largest Assembly of iPad production base, the eve of listing on the new iPad, Proview submitted applications to the Chinese customs in Shenzhen, with its domestic production of Proview violations in transitRight by asking Apple iPad products seized.   But as of now, the customs are still not clear. Shenzhen Proview lawyer Xie Xianghui yesterday said in an interview with this newspaper, Shenzhen Proview strongly opposed to new Apple iPad sales into China. "Proview and now Apple's iPad trademark right lawsuits, in the second instance. If Apple insists onIn mainland China official sales of the new iPad, Proview will use all legal means to prohibit their sale. "" Including business sectors around the apply for a joint Customs seized, investigate and deal with Apple dealer, does not rule out suing Apple again. "Xie Xianghui says," currently has 60 business sector involvement in this matter, is still in the investigation stage. "Related newsApple CEO appearing Xidan report from Cook (reporter Liu Lanlan Lin Qiling) yesterday, Apple CEO Tim Cook out of Apple store Xidan joy city in Beijing. According to the Twitter user @STwing revealed that Cook at about 11 o'clock in the morning went to the Apple Store Xidan joy city in Beijing. He heard aIntroduction to in-store staff, and a number of online photo.   Cook's tour of China, telecommunication industry observers said Xiang Ligang, Cook is sure to meet with senior executives of the three carriers, including moving the new leadership. China Unicom said, "under normal circumstances, each time they're met with Unicom executives. "China Telecom head of the tableLike this: "I don't know, this should go to ask the Cook.   "China Mobile said also, no access to messages.   Xiang Ligang, said China Unicom in June 2009, reached a three-year cooperation agreement with Apple, agreements between the two sides. Apple China spokesman, Cook met with Chinese officials yesterday, Apple looks forward toGreater investment in the market, achieve greater development. June Cook had visited China last year, the industry said, China market in the Cook times will be more important. () Others:

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