Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling two fishing fishing in Sai Sha - TIZ

129771572304218750_0Recently, the Vietnamese side constantly for Paracel Islands get up to little tricks, the so-called "harassment" Viet Nam fishermen to be raised "protest". Viet Nam Foreign Ministry asked China to "stop threatening territory of Xisha and Nansha Islands sovereignty". It was reported that Viet Nam March 21 claiming that Government officials, two fishing fishing in Sai Sha, and 21 crew members were seized by the Chinese. Viet NamIn late February by Japan to the foreign media claimed that Chinese soldiers in the island of "shooting" threat, obstruct Viet Nam of the 11 fishermen on board into the Xisha Islands and fishing waters sheltered. Vietnam claims were strongly refuted by the Chinese. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on March 22 that, recently, more than 100 Viet Nam into Sai Sha, China's territorial waters for illegal fishing vessels fishing。  In the case of removal fails, on March 4, relevant Chinese departments had investigated into the water in the Xisha Islands conducting illegal operations of 2 Viet Nam fishing vessels and 21 Viet Nam fishermen, was an act of legitimate law enforcement. On Xisha Islands and its adjacent waters, China has indisputable sovereignty, Xisha Islands sovereignty dispute does not exist. As we all know, Viet Nam after 70 mid of last centuryOf Nansha and Xisha Islands was made in the period of the so-called "sovereign" requirement. Viet Nam why disregarding historical facts for the disputed Paracel Islands-free speech, create trouble?  Overview of Viet Nam a series of poor performances, its violation of China's territorial waters: the intentions of the interests. For one thing, nothing, and create trouble, said the problem was not in dispute as "disputed"And its attempt to meddle in Xisha Islands all too clear. Such as Viet Nam officials openly declared recently, Viet Nam fishermen were "controversial" maritime fishing, "haven", and so on, the tentacles on the sovereignty issue is not any of the disputed Paracel Islands. Its actually ask, with a view to bringing fishing, "haven" of normal, gradual implementation of Paracel Islands "Declaration of sovereignty".Second, to little Bo, do everything possible to introduce extraterritorial powers in an effort to back up for it, so as to increase the bargaining chip in dealing with China. Main modus operandi is the United States launched joint Japan, India meets. Since 2010, Viet Nam began to strengthen and United States military relations, United States aircraft carriers "George · Washington" arrives in Viet Nam near Ho Chi Minh City in the South China Sea waters, andAnd Viet Nam tera power leveling, held joint military exercises. And Japan are complicit.  To a number of foreign oil companies to provide "preferential" conditions in an attempt to flag do tiger skin, to seize the Spratly Islands. Third, attempts to dispute regional and international tera gold, to put pressure on China. Viet Nam in the frequent actions of the Paracel Islands, while a feint, upset the South China Sea, attempt to Viet Nam and China's bilateralZoom into the dispute between ASEAN and China dispute, kidnapping relations between ASEAN and China. Not only that, but Viet Nam United States voted to hold her arms, but also to the United States works.  United States announced plans to "return" to Asia, claiming freedom of navigation in South China Sea involving United States "national interests", blatant intervention in the South China Sea dispute. Paracel has been Chinese territory since ancient times, there is no dispute,Viet Nam fishermen in Xisha waters fishing activities of fishing vessels, a violation of China's sovereignty and maritime rights. Vietnam should earnestly respect China's sovereignty over the Xisha Islands, mind your p's and take effective measures, strengthening the education and management of their fishermen, to stop illegal fishing activities tera gold, not to do any action leading to complicate the situation, to safeguard the overall situation of Sino-Vietnamese friendly relations. (The author of Ruan ZongzeResearcher at the Institute of international studies) (Edit: SN031) Others:

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