Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling Chief of LAU - ATD

129773822117812500_115"Listed company ', Nanshan plate ' beyond 100" Forum on March 27, 2012 (Tuesday) afternoon in Oct Intercontinental Hotel Ballroom (one-third Hall).  Dongfangcaifuwang full broadcast of the Forum, the following statement is CCID Consulting Vice President Wang Sanyi memoir. Wang Sanyi: Dear Mayor Chen, the distinguished district, Chief of LAU, distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all good afternoon! As the honourable guests, I am here today to share with you my experience, in fact, I, and all of you leadership and comrade heart swells, and South Mountain has much to do with. CCID Consulting provides consulting services to market our business about a month ago just haveListed has tera power leveling, including had will has, is because we issued had will reached has 100 home, then we of mood can so described, we on witness has China of capital markets as a more large of platform, and more large of carrier, hosted has we a growth type of excellent enterprise, he in this stage up cast themselves independent innovation and competition ability upgrade of stage, this is we thenA feeling. The other hand, and this is what I want to share with you, I think business leaders in communications, in contact with the process, I was able to have the opportunity to experience what we experienced some of these entrepreneurs during the listing process of bitterness and the problems they face, which is what I hope we in listing development process should focus on issues of concern, it isA question that you want to share with you. Secondly, with regard to how we can tap capital markets, promote the transformation and upgrading of our own industry issues, how are we with the successful docking of capital markets businesses, has listed companies, through independent innovation ability of their promotion, to drive the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure, this is our moment to share a second level.Because our sea lines of communication in the process, including in the planning process of the new Park, we actually innovation via financial markets, capital markets-driven transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure of the case, may wish to have the opportunity to share with you. The next report is divided into three areas: first, since we want to tap capital marketsPromoting enterprise competitiveness improvement, we want to butt the broad platform of capital markets, to see the future development of China's capital market itself will face what kind of opportunities.  Second, Chinese companies listed in the process, they are faced with a number of core issues, it is also in the process of cultivation, we should focus on issues of concern. Thirdly, we propose to innovation and EnterpriseListed the cultivation of thinking and mode of work, to share some with you. Then look at the first issue, last year the overall financing of China's capital market overview. 2011 China enterprises IPO financing in the capital market as a whole presents a situation that "cold heat", external capital markets are relatively cold, one is in the Chinese capitalMarket indices continued trend of stagnation or even decline. In addition, in the overseas capital market financing process, China stocks suffered some of the pressures of the credit crisis as a whole, enterprises in overseas markets last year has only 6, this is an overview. But we want to see in the Chinese capital markets, has rendered the situation of rapid development of capital markets in the territory,Last year China capital market trading successfully issued a total of 279 enterprises, average is one business day, we expect future combined with capital markets, China's capital markets will continue in the coming years there is a rapid issuing process.  This is overall IPO of China capital market investments. Financing of Chinese stock markets, hereAn indicator of the PPT reflect 2011 China capital market financing is closer to 700 billion, 6,700 suspected, it is the first IPO financing, we issue about volumes of more than 200 billion, than on the surface of 2010 fell. But to share a data, 2011 China's capital markets, China introduced from FDI foreign direct investmentSize of US $ 110 billion, funded, we follow the existing Exchange rate estimates, roughly IPO initial size of China's capital market, which shows what a problem? Securities market of China's capital markets in particular IPO financing financing already play a significant proportion of the money supply and loan, this is a concept. At the same time, we want to see China's bondMarket last year has achieved remarkable growth, this is what we see in China's stock market financing concept. We can also share an idea of 2011 showing low rates of China's capital market trends, China's growth enterprise market will occur on the success rate, basically is a relatively stable situation, it's 2010 fell by more than a percentage point, but small and medium-sizedRelease rate decreased significantly, this was the lowest rate since the opening of capital market in China for a year. What does that signal to convey out? We believe that this is the policy in different industries to boot joint capital markets. China gem 136 enterprises as a whole, as well as distribution of enterprises. We considered the gem of the "two-six new" industry distribution, 2011 year reflected especially. There's about 6 companies, modern services, production services, like there are 2 companies in the logistics industry, there are 2 companies of cultural and creative industries, cultural, entertainment, digital media, enterprise also have upgrades and consumption-related concepts, it is not consistent with the strategic areas of emerging industries, but line and national definitions of strategic industriesEnterprise, roughly the entire gem more 95%, this is an obvious situation, gem is for the development of strategic new business provides an historic stage. This is our 2011 China listed companies as a whole area of distribution, also in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, including the Bohai rim economic zone, year after yearIs the trend, but there are some obvious situation is in Central and Western regions, particularly Xian, Chongqing region, by undertaking industrial transfer in these two years and own industrial competitiveness, of enterprises in Central and Western regions, especially as taking on the enterprises of East and West, recently financed a bit faster, this is China's capital markets 2011Regional conditions. Our Super front ratio is in decline, but Super ability to raise China's capital market is increasing, this figure is the gem of the concept, 2010 gem Enterprise raise funds close to 50 billion or so, until 2011 Super-raise funds for 40 billion or so, Super-raise the proportion of funds have fallen, but Super-raise funds isA large number of. Financing capacity of the capital markets, we generally think of Chinese growth enterprise Board, including small, investment capacity is relatively strong. We believe that the issue of price-earnings ratio falling in the center of gravity, which is the index of the entire market is closely related to the external environment, but differentiation is evident. As a high-growth enterprises, as some of the strategic industries related industries, itIssue price/earnings ratio, we can also clearly felt, is still at a relatively high level to do a butt of capital market issuance tera gold, or industry trends in capital markets has already been accepted by the differentiation of the identity, traditional industry including equipment manufacturing industry, rather than part of strategic industries with high and new, soft and excellent enterprise subject to approval of the capital market andWho also have a market value. For the Tribunal's problems, sustainable profitable growth of the building and the building, which is our integrated enterprise management skill improvement a core concept, but when we promote the listing development, we tend to focus on is not in improving the management capacity of the angle, which is what we have to tell some of the problems faced in the process of firm growth, We provide a number of recommended measures, there is a mismatch problem, this is when on the Securities and Futures Commission the concern of some businesses in the growth process of the core factors. Compared to FDI on China's capital market more important significance to the sustainable development of China's economy, accompanied by our own industry or structural adjustment of production resources, advantages of our location and fundingSource advantage in constantly losing, we introduce the overseas direct investment capital are likely to fall, but we have a greater hosting platform that is China's capital markets, this is the first judgment. Second, the next five years even for a longer period of time, capital markets IPO financing also remains continuous and rapid development of the State, we can more clearly, probably last year issuedMore than 200 companies, relative to the NASDAQ market probably has more than 6,000 enterprises, on the Hong Kong market to compare more than more than 3,000, now the size of the overall market are hundreds of concepts on the gem. If we build a market sufficiently stable, to access capital on fluctuations of the free State, issuing could reach tens of millions of future capital market size can beLooking forward to, this is our overall judgment of Chinese capital market over the next five years, and even longer for instance must be made by the enterprises of the sustained, rapid, fast-accelerating Enterprise listed also help to ease "three-high", including super high raise funds raised, higher earnings, this could do some stabilizing with the help of rapid development on these indicators. "Three-high" governance will speed up industryPolarization phenomena, when we make communication with enterprises, some companies even during the listing process of tax pressure will not accept, you may not be appropriate for joint capital markets. What kind enterprise capable of docking the capital market? We have a feeling, one is through the capital market, you get excess profits to enhance research and development capacities of the enterprise, or some enterprisesEnough to achieve their economies of scale through capital accumulation, such an enterprise is also possible through joint capital markets, our own rapid promotion, this is our point about the polarity of the IPO market. Just to share the growth and sustainability of, standardization of enterprise operations, this class is coming to butt in the capital market capital market business should focus on some of theMark. We believe that such aggregation effect on combination of wealth, including on capital operation in enterprises put forward higher requirements, including Mr Michael Suen also mentioned these problems, Sun Chief super raised more than 2 billion when they are listed, these large super funds raised in the enterprise's account there is a problem? The overall capital profitability put forward higher requirements, you need toTo achieve sustainable growth, there are plenty of idle funds, how do you promote the financial and industrial integration put forward higher requirements. Including the SFC has clear provisions to raise funds, funds and capital of the enterprises to enhance competence have presented a greater challenge. This is the overall judgement on the capital market, thinking is at the core of the future of China's capital marketOr is our growth-oriented small and medium enterprises, including growth in the future financing of core capital facilities. Enterprises during the listing process really care about what kind of problem? How are we going to deal with this question to enhance or improve it butt the willingness of capital markets? Problems we faced in the course listings are divided into three levels, real companies do not listed? MayThere is, but is also a little. Why a lot of companies are willing to list didn't butt capital markets? We see this reason is divided into three levels: first, we are positioned on the top, not through his surrounding and his understanding of the situation, there may be some demonstration effect, he will feel. We get in touch with many companies, some companies listed later in theSome, including some of delisting, gave him a bad influence, played a bad model, he will not dare to go on sale. There are problems of their standard cost, including tax cost of the process of restructuring, including co-ordination of a gold five-insurance costs, is fuelling some concern in the enterprise in the process. An enterprise in the listing processThere is a large opportunity cost to, and brokers to do due diligence, accounting firms, law firms and consulting services we provide intermediary institutions are thinking somehow the corporate due diligence, but due diligence is also affecting the normal operation of production activities of the enterprise, we believe that it is their own opportunities and cost issues facing the growth. There is also aProblem is at the level of the enterprise in the process which listed risk costs, regardless of local launches enterprise of Shenzhen-listed currently support policy, is also the country's industrial policy, is in the form of money-oriented. But companies in the listing process, there are some risks that they feel under a lot of pressure, although the rate and 80%, but 20% is also there, if there is no, Is a fatal blow to enterprises, may not be excessive to three or four years have been slow, and it is they want to but not on problem, this requires us to listing mechanism and mode of cultivation of innovation. Secondly, think, and can't get on. Growth, profitability or because of their own stock of some standardization of processes, funding problems in the history,May not lead on and on, we usually resolve. For the lack of growth, its capacity is insufficient, then we'd like to to upgrade from a consulting perspective, this is one of our core idea, we di at present for a lot of growth companies in the provision of advisory services, is made by boosting our capital markets,Enclosed in the gem market, "two high one of the new" business model, business model needs to create, advance planning, planning process, through our continued ability to increase business, achieve docking when the capital market conditions, and butt in the US capital markets, this is our proposal. If we really wanted to appear on not on, its capacity will not reach theYou from the upgrading of management capacity, business growth is lifting problem to start with. Thirdly, wanted to go to, not up. Enterprise is a system engineering in the process of listing, although there are investment banks, accounting firms, law firms, consultancies to assist companies, but a lot of the details of the work, may be facing each and every company over and over, whichWhy is cause of professional secrets of Tung is so popular in the industry throughout the area, professional secrets of Tung and sponsorship income equals and into every company listed later quit, he would have a new chance. This is the enterprise in the listing process, he has a large number of specific transactional work to be done, this is how we in the counselling process to convert ideas to do somethingThis is at the moment we believe that three types of problems faced by enterprises in the process which listed, may he meets in a public process, often came to, he is anxious that we will be able to help them solve, we hope that by listing development mode, to assist him in solving some of the problems. The cultivation of local government in promoting the listing of the current process to take a number of core politicalPolicy, including the focus of our work, with some differences between the enterprises concerned. First is the financial support, government funding will be ex post facto, is dominated by financial support. But our business requirements may be needed to resource-support-oriented, this is our core concern. Once he has successfully listed, even if the listing of cash flows under a lot of pressure in the process, heNeed funds, but he is more concerned that we consolidate resources to him. With the IPO several years of development, this industry a series of phenomena, we often see in particular enterprises have such deep feelings, will process the original enterprise does not have so much negative news, why every enterprise as long as it is now in the listing prospectus during a hangingOut, a lot of negative news will come out. It appears there is an industry, I think it is to pay attention to, especially the competent bodies to boot the normative. Business media business model changes, IPO companies, including preparation of the enterprise, as long as there is a prospectus was hanging out, at least titular here media reports of more than 100, orYour sponsorship or let you advertise, or there might be some negative sources disclosed that do in fact, these negative really is the negative of the enterprise? Not necessarily, but he'll pass the prospectus hard to do something, then companies will want to make concessions, which a number of hidden costs, when we communicate with the media, the pressure on them is very large. Advance in terms of resource consolidationPromote enough, there are many such examples, this is the first level. The second level, for businesses, to the foot of the goal happily when listed on the Government to encourage it, boot it, it is a level, included now promoting the listing of cultivation, and more are listed around to talk about benefits of listing, go to the Guide listings, including how enterprises listed in the process specification。 Really is the problem, in our view should be the professional thing to do, and companies should do what? To enhance your management skills, enhance their core competitiveness, that's their thing at the management level. This level but we should think more in nurturing the early focus, that's why we talk to SME service center on the undertaking of ShenzhenThe cultivation process, we joined the industry studies, joined the management consulting business guidance, and through previous training, feedback is very good as a whole. We realized that this company needs in advance, but there is no clear demands, more than more than 100 enterprises of the training participants for the first time, more than 200 people, the entire feedback particularly well. This is the enterpriseCore requirement of the listing process, we want to improve demand management are clear.  There is one on the positioning issue, at present all over the body position is focused on services and guidance, but in the process which listed want to give him some guidance, or even a number of operational problems to help him to solve the problem. Also has issues, listing developmentProcess, we usually focus on is listed in the cultivation of the main, Comrade comrades including industry, business and Government, we are more concerned with is an industry format of training as a whole, on the issue of corporate headquarters and gathered together. Next main proposal, first of all, we think enterprise you want to straighten out or establishing a concept, listing just a phase, butA platform, it is not the goal of our development, and it is our up more carriers in the future development of a platform, we work listed as a stage to do, rather than listed as a goal to not fold means to do it. Second, the course listed with a series of risks, we recommend that enterprises first of all you want to do is plan, must be combined with their own existing capitalSource status and capacity, for different sectors and business plan to market, it is very important. After finish the listing plan, including your choice of business and business planning, around its core team building, implementation of stock option incentive plan to create, promote our management level, once butt growth of the capital market, including profitability reflected when you goPromoting the overall stock, including introduction of intermediary institutions to introduce the listed material declaration, if it is a stock directly, once out of the question, you save the few opportunities. Why frequent exchange brokerage issues? Are brokers in due diligence when clearly feel the existing problems, when in do not have confidence, another heart not willing, put a lot ofFunds, including some costs have been invested, he will advance, may-for-brokers have to advance.  We hope that in the earlier stages of the problem-solving, planning is being done to solve the problem when, this is our proposal. In fact our core idea is to build up strength, most are at the core of building growth, the rest of the professional bodies can beTo help you share, but only its own growth, profitability and management level, it is difficult to improve in the short term. Reform must also has a shared equity and equity incentive plan work together, when there is risk capital, we want to focus on resources, not too much to focus on funding, of course, you have a good PE unit investment gives you more money, there is nothing wrong,But more is to look at the resources integration capability, which includes lots of resources. Some industrial investment fund industry configuration of such guidance, industrial perspective, could give you lots of help. Some comprehensive VC, PE, the upgrading of management capacity and business models, model build to give you some advice and recommendations. There is we canIntegrating resources of participating in joint, there are opportunities for our opportunities, and to disclose our business, including communication enterprises ' own business model, business model, make them an understanding on our enterprise.  This is the focus when we select VC, PE, not just focus on money supply and, more importantly, is concerned about the supply of resources. We also have collaborative concepts,Industry must be professional people to do. A company in Shenzhen, is also providing services in a business, in time, is because in the process, secrets of Tung's unprofessional, is also out of the question, this is what we are aching, taken a number of measures to make up for the problems brought about by a Word. So we hope professional staff to promote, which isRecommendations of the enterprise. Finally, cultivation, pushing forward the listing in the Government institutions of some of our views. First, listed with the main core needs of enterprises, to innovation we cultivate the listed jobs, this is the first thing we need to do. Includes to consolidate resources to businesses to share. There is innovation on the one hand, we thought, including the provision of services, provided by operationsContent you want to make some changes. Market-led, Government-led, construction enterprises listing and financing new ecological, it is also important that, eco-environmental resources include media outreach, docking, and grafting including VC, PE, all places are made, also was good. Last is the very core of a section, Shenzhen, is combined with industrial restructuring and upgrading, usListed enterprises, must be the subject of enterprises, they build a platform, let them gather industry through faster development industry, breeding, hatching more corporate butt capital markets, this is what we in the sea using a model, including strategic industries of the liuxiandong Park, we are also planning a model. By we have listed some of the enterprises,We rely on the core headquarters to host a production base, rather than a concept of corporate headquarters. Because an enterprise in the process of growing up, demand for functional area is infinite, there is also this issue includes our Tencent's communications, rapid expansion of its business, in a process of rapid expansion, and his demand for Office space for the fixed asset is outIndeed, has been in constant growth. If you just met in a number of large corporate headquarters and your Ribbon is always do it in the future. We are relying on the listed subjects, has listed companies, including their headquarters listed, let them host the industrial base of industry-led. We have to rely on listed company's capital to incubator businesses, relying on VC, PEIndustry to promote, while relying on the Government's own industrial Fund, Trinity, promote industrial base form, we have listed the main play their more driving effect. Should also focus on government resources, choose to do some industries, there are some industrial enterprises, we believe that it may need to be transferred through industry, rather than promoting the listing to its industrial upgrade。 Because the industry planning after once forming the Ribbon, we need some space to hosting industry, but some industries are not in line with growth-oriented, do you have to promote it industry shift tera power leveling, chance for developing high-end industry industrial transfer free space, so we must focus our resources to have the support of some industries to choose. In addition, we recommend that before you purchase, weThis do has 7 field training, Qian 3 field is in promote enterprise widely of publicity launched listed cultivation, Hou 4 field in do listed operation training camp, selected 60 home enterprise, min different of enterprise operation, with he to do reform, with he to do listed of planning, like this work, we hope to Qian reset, to got listed cultivation of platform Shang, let we of enterprise to in listed of process amongGet more intelligence support. Thank you very much, hope leadership, members have the opportunity to do some communication, thank you! Others:

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