Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold this technical innovation is the core of system innovation - HSH

129770871303281250_2 <a href="">tera gold</a>President of the Institute for reform and development of Pudong, Vice President of China real estate Association Wan Cengwei (SINA finance Zhao Jingbo photo) Sina finance hearing on March 24, 2012, by the China Economic Forum for 50 people, and modern service industry in Shanghai and the Shanghai Services Federation joint equity investment management company's "Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai)Seminar "was held in Shanghai, the theme of the seminar was" development and modern service industry in transition ".  As President of the Institute for reform and development of Pudong, Vice President of China real estate Association Wan Cengwei. Wan Cengwei: judgement awareness of innovation I would like to talk about three points. First, I comment on innovation how to judge. I am human society is experiencing a far-reaching reform。 It's outstanding performance is more than 200 years before the industrial revolution, it was mechanical and electronic technology as the core technology of round more than 200 years of innovation, industrial innovation and wealth creation and social progress. Today's change tera gold, in fact, is the formation of a such a core of information and electronic technology as the Foundation for a new round of industrial innovation and wealth creation and social progress。  The changes of more than 200 years, is now in full swing, we should be able to see such a big change, we want to have a good strategy. What is innovation? In fact most core of invention and innovation, this type of work in the last fifty or sixty years, as computer, fibre, LSI's invention, the InternetCreated, and so on, actually invented innovations largely completed. Follow the, and actually is the type of innovation and service innovation. So now we can see that from generation to generation of cell phones, tablet computers from generation to generation, are springing up of audiovisual products, are the result of applied innovations. We also see Taobao (microblogging) tera power leveling, Alibaba (microblogging), Baidu (micro-Bo), We recently in Zhangjiang see rain supply chain companies, it is service-oriented innovation, directly to create a new and more modern services.  So now the world is actually a fight-innovation and service innovation, both innovative in changing our lives, every day, I think we should look at this point. 2nd, I think over the past 30 years, asFruit of our development is also a constant innovation, innovation from closed economy to an open economy, economic innovation from an agricultural to an industrial economy. This innovation is the distance with other countries, we are accepting a transfer. This round of innovation, I do not see any great distance. We are stood in a starting line and many countries, so we have enough confidence in our ChineseNational innovation capacity, in this round of development, wealth creation process, will be outstanding. 3rd, this technical innovation is the core of system innovation, our present system is far from enough. Gathering of talent, capital operation, capital how to butt with this new thing, people how to docking, government services, what to do? This alsoInvolves a series of questions, time is limited, I will leave you, thank you. Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai) seminar Others:

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